Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Send text to the Philippines for FREE!

Yes, you read that right. You can now send free text messages to anyone in the Philippines be it Sun, Smart, or Globe. It's too good to be true that there's bound to be a catch, right? Well, actually, no. You just simply type in your message, enter your recipient's number, and you can optionally add your phone number as well. So enough talking, you don't need all those UNLI-offers those carriers give you, just jump on here (scroll down a bit) and start sending your unlimited text messages.....for FREE! I really love that word. Also, this is not a scam or a virus, etc. This was created by my fellow BNC member usong725, and all the credit goes to him. It is still in beta mode though so be patient. And while you're doing that, why not jump over to our org as well over at BNC.

Thanks usong725!


usong725 said...

thanks for the article bro. i've released it officially last Feb 1. though i got some reports that users within a LAN network encounter captcha error. might be due to their network's firewall/proxy setting. but will try to fix it. :)

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