I know, this is kinda late, but I had a good time with my SPB Mobile Shell 3.5. But, you know what they say, better late than never. So here it goes, I just ported a PURE X2 ROM to my X1, kudos to the lads over at xda-dev for doing a great job. Along with the X2 ROM I ported some of the other stuffs to my X1, so those of you considering the x1, it just got better. Its a bargain, really. Photos are on the previous entry, enjoy the beaut!
P.S. If you think that the whole phone lags after booting up the new ROM, then you are completely wrong, it still is pretty fluid and responsive, there are no considerable lags, except only when you switch the tilewave panel to landscape from portrait and vice versa, there is a small lag, but overall, the experience is awesome! and I'm still loving it!
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