Sunday, January 24, 2010

Palm Pre Plus runs 50 simultaneous apps, yes 50!

Here's another cool thing! Recently, Palm just announced the Palm Pre Plus headed for Verizon, though there is a GSM version so keep your fingers crossed for a worldwide GSM version. It doubles the memory while making a few changes over at the design department, at first read it seems like there's not much, doubling the RAM, pfff. Oh, but wait, you wanna see proof of how big this really is? Here's proof, a Palm Pre Plus running 50 simultaneous apps (or cards) sitting side by side the classic Palm Pre. Oh, and the old Palm Pre you say? It runs 13 apps while crashing and getting the "too much cards notification". 13 apps isn't that bad though, but 50? You must be kidding! Well, enough talking, here's the video. Check it out, you won't regret the 8 minute long video.


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