Thursday, January 28, 2010

What's up with 50? 50 apps, now 50 games?

Yeah, I know. What's up with 50 nowadays? We had the Palm Pre Plus run 50 simultaneous apps, hot off its heels was the Omnia HD, now we have the Motorola Droid/Milestone running 50 games. Though I doubt that these were all simultaneous, but still it has the number 50 on it. So far, we have Palm, Samsung, and Motorola on board the 50 apps/games. SE, Nokia, RIM, LG, and Apple its your turn, oh wait not you Apple. You're "too special" to have multi tasking, we know. Enough chit chat, just like what you did with the Palm Pre Plus and the Omnia HD, hop on the source link to enjoy the 50 games that were shown off on the Motorola Droid/Milestone. Ain't this a treat?


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